Lower Poplar Water Reclamation Facility - Influent Pump Station

The Project consists of improvements to convert the existing wet well / dry pit pump station into a submersible pump station with six (6) new variable speed submersible wastewater pumps and appurtenances. Four of the pumps will be high-flow pumps, and two will be low-flow pumps to match off-peak duty flow conditions. Isolation valves will be installed on the two pump station effluent force mains. Two magnetic flow meters will be installed in a concrete vault on the force mains. The existing Electrical Building will be demolished, and two prefabricated electrical buildings (eHouses) will be provided to house the variable frequency drives (VFDs), electrical distribution, motor control equipment, and SCADA controls with temperature and humidity control. The Owner is proceeding with early procurement of the new pumps, VFDs, plug valves and actuators, flow meters, and eHouses, to be included in the Contract as Allowance items.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 8/6/24 10:00am
Bid Date 8/27/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Barge Design Solutions
Raymond Cordon  
(919) 961-0663


Macon, GA

Bid Information:

Sealed Bids for furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment and appurtenances necessary for the installation of Lower Poplar Water Reclamation Facility Influent Pump Station Improvements (the “Project”) will be received by the Macon Water Authority (the “Owner”), at the Macon Water Authority, 537 Hemlock Street, HR/Engineering Conference Room, Macon, Georgia 31201 until 2:00 P. M., local time, on August 27, 2024, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

Copies of Bidding Documents may be purchased from Memphis Reprographics. Details for ordering are available at bidding.bargedesign.com or via phone at 901-381-9811. Cost of Bidding Documents is $400.00 plus shipping per set. No part of the purchase will be refunded. Bidders must purchase the Contract Documents in order to be eligible to submit a bid.

Pre-Bid Information:

All bidders must attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting at the same location at 10:00 A.M. on August 6, 2024. A site visit will follow the Pre-Bid meeting. The Bidder shall attend the pre-bid meeting in its entirety. All bid questions must be submitted to the Owner by 10:00 A.M. on August 20, 2024